Staying Safe on the Spooky Streets: Halloween Safety Tips Around the School Bus

Halloween Safety Tips Around the School Bus: A Blog by Suburban Bus

As the leaves change colors and the air turns crisp, the excitement of Halloween fills the hearts of children and adults alike. It’s a time for costumes, candy, and spooky fun. But amidst all the festivities, it’s crucial to remember that safety should always be a top priority. When it comes to Halloween, one area where safety often takes center stage is around buses, especially during school bus hours. 

Halloween Masks and Decreased Visibility

One of the most iconic parts of Halloween costumes is the mask. Whether it’s a ghoulish ghost or a friendly pumpkin, masks play a significant role in transforming kids into their favorite characters. However, while these masks add an element of mystery and fun, they can also pose a danger with decreased visibility.

Imagine wearing a mask that covers your face, and you’re suddenly expected to navigate the streets, crosswalks, and sidewalks safely. It’s not an easy task, and for children, especially those in elaborate costumes, it can become even more challenging. Masks limit their peripheral vision, making it difficult to see oncoming traffic or obstacles, which increases the risk of accidents when crossing streets or approaching buses.

To help with this, consider swapping traditional masks for face paint, which offers a safer alternative that still adds creativity and excitement without the visual limitations. Face paint allows children to fully immerse themselves in their costume while maintaining their ability to see properly.

Trick-or-Treating During School Bus Hours

Halloween can be especially tricky for children who have to trick-or-treat during school bus hours. In many neighborhoods, kids start their Halloween adventures right after school, when buses are still running their routes. This intersection of school bus schedules and Halloween festivities requires extra vigilance from both bus drivers and all drivers on the road.

Children in costumes may be excited and distracted, and they might not always follow safety rules diligently. The heightened enthusiasm of Halloween, combined with masks and bulky costumes, can lead to kids darting out into traffic without fully considering the consequences.

Safety Tips for Everyone

With these challenges in mind, it’s essential for bus drivers, parents, and all motorists to be particularly careful and mindful of our kids during Halloween. Here are some key safety tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable evening for everyone:

  1. Slow Down and Stay Alert: Reduce your speed when driving through residential areas on Halloween. Expect the unexpected, and be prepared for children to appear suddenly. Consider turning on your headlights early in the day to make it easier for trick-or-treaters to see your vehicle.
  2. Use Extra Caution at Bus Stops: If you’re a bus driver, remember that kids might be wearing costumes and masks at bus stops. Make sure they’re safely on the bus before proceeding, and be mindful of children’s excitement and possible distractions.
  3. Encourage Well-Lit Costumes: Parents can help by choosing or creating costumes with reflective materials and adding glow sticks, flashlights, or LED accessories to enhance visibility. Glow-in-the-dark tape on costumes or trick-or-treat bags can help children stand out to drivers and bus drivers alike.
  4. Escort Young Children: Younger children should always be accompanied by an adult or older sibling while trick-or-treating. Remind them to hold hands when crossing streets and always use crosswalks, even during the excitement of Halloween.
  5. Practice Safe Crossing Techniques: Teach children to make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of vehicles. It’s also important for them to look left, right, and left again before crossing any street, and remind them to stay on sidewalks whenever possible.
  6. Avoid Distractions: Drivers should eliminate distractions such as using their phones, so they can focus entirely on the road and potential hazards. Similarly, remind children not to use phones or headphones while walking around to maintain their awareness.

Safety Tips for Bus Drivers

Bus drivers are on the front lines of keeping kids safe, especially during Halloween. Consider these additional safety measures:

  • Double-Check the Surroundings: Before moving the bus, double-check the mirrors for any children that might be lingering nearby.
  • Use Hand Signals: Remind children to wait for your signal before crossing in front of the bus.
  • Communicate Clearly: Remind kids about bus safety rules during the days leading up to Halloween, emphasizing the importance of staying away from the curb and never walking behind the bus.

A Spooktacular Opportunity: Become a Bus Driver for Suburban Bus

As we emphasize the importance of safety around buses during Halloween, we also want to take a moment to recognize the vital role that bus drivers play in our communities. Bus drivers are unsung heroes who ensure the safe transportation of our children to and from school every day.

And for those who are seeking a fulfilling and rewarding career, consider becoming a bus driver with Suburban Bus. Join us in making our communities safer and supporting our kids on their journey to and from school.  It’s a spooktacular opportunity you won’t want to miss. Take the first step toward this rewarding profession and help us keep our little ghouls and goblins safe on Halloween and every day. Apply now.


As we prepare for another Halloween filled with laughter and candy, let’s remember that safety should always be a priority, especially around buses and during school bus hours. By being cautious, alert, and proactive, we can ensure that this spooky season remains a fun and memorable experience for all.

Halloween Safety Tips Around the School Bus